I came across a post on a slack channel which was about GSSOC (GirlScript summer of code).

I came across a post on a slack channel which was about GSSOC (GirlScript summer of code).

Open source makes you and others fulfilled.

I came across a post on a slack channel which was about GSSOC (GirlScript summer of code). From what I read that day, I knew that this program was definitely for me because I really wanted to learn how to contribute to a project via Git/GitHub and it was totally for beginners, so I decided to apply.

I finally got selected for it and I was super duper excited. I immediately started taking an online course on Git and GitHub in order to brush up my skills before the official contribution start date.

Believe me, I used to think that in order to be a good open source contributor, I needed to be an awesome programmer. But I was wrong! The project I contributed to during GSSOC is called Technotica Curriculum. It is a web based curriculum being made to support people transitioning into the world of technology. During my contribution phase, I learnt how to deal with merge conflicts(and even the cause of this horrible phenomenon lol). I think my best day during this program was when my first Pull Request got merged. I was so excited. I wrote articles on version control, women in tech resources, etc .

It feels good to contribute even in the smallest ways.

I am super grateful to all the amazing people I met during the course of this program. Shout out to the amazing mentors, facilitators and contributors. Keep creating and keep contributing!!!!

P. S: The Technotica curriculum is available for use. If you’re a newbie to programming, you should check it out. Here’s the link :



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